

Individual therapy

We offer a client focused approach to individual therapy, utilizing a variety of therapeutic modalities such as strengths based therapy, solutions focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness and meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing. We help clients to identify healthy relationship qualities and techniques to support them in their path to wellness. Sessions often utilizes compassion, openness, acceptance, and caring with clients. We give clients permission to feel comfortable as the person they are and support them in growing in whichever direction is best for their lives.

Dance/Movement Therapy

Dance/movement therapy utilizes movement as the primary therapeutic intervention. It can be utilized in a variety of ways. At times breath work can be helpful to support managing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Movement can also be utilized to support clients in exploring changes they want to make in their lives. Often we utilize movement as a form of communication without being aware of it-our body language and gestures provide information to others around us. This can be helpful in sessions where clients want to more deeply explore their emotions and are struggling with feeling stuck or confused. Movement can also be utilized as a coping skill to support our clients in finding ways to manage emotional well-being.


Movement Analysis

Movement analysis can be utilized in individual therapy sessions or as an additional service. In individual therapy sessions, movement analysis can be provided to support clients in deepening emotional expression and providing opportunities to expand emotional well being. Movement analysis can also alternatively be offered to support clients in coping with pain from repetitive movements, and exploring how to utilize movement to support physical well-being.